About Grandmas
We raise Miniature Dachshund puppies.
We raise Miniature Dachshund puppies.. All of our puppies are AKC registered. We breed for most colors and patterns, including English Creams.
Grandma's Hotdogs Established more than 20 years ago by my father Ronny Hamlet and his wife Sandra, our goal is to continue their dream with Grandmas Hotdogs. We Provide much love and tender care as the two of them gave in the past! Grandma offers unique and different breeding programs. We only have 6 breeding Doxies that have been raised in our home as pets. While we breed to technical aspects like confirmation and disposition. We also provide comfort, love, a clean environment, toys, and activities to all of our puppies and breeding pets.

We know that deciding to welcome a new puppy into your home is a big decision,so we want to make that decision a little easier! Grandma’s puppies are the most socialized and healthiest Miniature Dachshunds in the Atlhens area. Our dogs are part of our family. You may be worried about all the work involved in getting a new pet. For your convenience, we have already paper-trained and vet checked all of the puppies.
Many of the families that have bought Doxies from Grandma’s Hotdogs have returned again because of their wonderful buying experience with us. They are so beautiful when they mature. We get pictures and e-mails showing us how their “pride & joy” are doing.